
POLYPHEM will participate in the 27th edition of SolarPACES from September 27 to October 1, 2021. Due to COVID-19, SolarPACES 2021 will go online!

SolarPACES is one of the most important international annual event in the field of concentrating solar power and chemical energy systems. It offers a wide forum for research, industry, politic, financing stakeholders as well as leading world experts from 40 countries.

Due to the sanitary context, and the COVID-19 crisis particularly, this edition is once again being held virtually.

POLYPHEM partners will participate and make presentations during the conference, such as Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. Let’s meet them and discover the full program just here!

Moreover, the POLYPHEM team will hold a virtual booth which will offer the possibility to ask questions, meet partners interested in the project’s technology and strengthen our network.

Follow us on social media, Linkedin and Twitter, to stay tuned!

POLYPHEM was already involved in the 2020 edition of SolarPACES, in which two partners presented papers about the project. More information here.