Deliverable 7.1: Report on Preliminary System Modelling


POLYPHEM has submitted another deliverable due within Work Package 7 (WP7) dedicated to System Modelling and Performance Assessment.

This confidential document is the deliverable D7.1 of the project POLYPHEM.

In this WP a dynamic simulation model of the overall plant is developed in several steps, where this report comprises the deliverable for Task 7.1. In this task a preliminary system model has been developed and implemented in the in-house simulation tool ColSim CSP by Fraunhofer ISE. Based on preliminary system components (not experimentally validated), the system is capable of simulation of 2 operation modes namely design mode and off-design mode.

The current ColSim CSP model includes a detailed micro gas turbine model (compressor and gas turbine), heliostat field, solar receiver, the recovery heat exchanger, the primary oil loop, the black box ORC model, and the stratified storage.

You can find all the deliverables published so far in the « Deliverables » section.