Postponed event: POLYPHEM Workshop in Aalborg, Denmark

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UPDATE: Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the workshop is postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date. We will keep you posted asap!

POLYPHEM partner Aalborg CSP along with Aalborg University will organise the next project workshop on 23 April 2020 in Aaalborg, Denmark.

The workshop is a unique opportunitity for all interested participants to learn about Concentrated Solar Power based on the POLYPHEM project with renowned European research labs and industrial companies specializing in solar energy.

The workshop (in English only) will be packed with exciting presentations by the POLYPHEM project partners, who will introduce different aspects of the solar project and answer to all the participants’ questions.

The presentations will involve different aspects of the project related to thermal, electrical and mechatronic engineering. The partners will furthermore invite participants to share a lunch with them to continue the discussions.

For futher information, please check the invitation!

Practical information:

  • Registration: free but mandatory until 16 April 2020 here
  • When? 23 April 2020, 9:00am – 15:00 pm
  • Where? Pontoppidanstræde 111, Room 1.177 (the auditorium), 9220 Aalborg Ø