POLYPHEM presentation at the H2020 2nd coordinators’ workshop on CSP
On the 26th of June 2018, POLYPHEM coordinator, Alain Ferrière from PROMES-CNRS, has attended the H2020 2nd Coordinators’ Workshop on Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) organised by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA).
For the second consecutive year, this workshop gathered representatives from numerous H2020 ongoing projects from the CSP sector.
The main goal of the workshop is to look for ideas for further joint activities. The workshop included:
- An update on the policy context of H2020 CSP
- H2020 CSP projects presentations
- Networking discussions on potential synergies & opportunities
You can download the POLYPHEM project presentation here.
One of the outcomes of the first edition that was launched in automn 2016 was the H2020 Projects Bulletin on Concentrated Solar Power: a common Newsletter launched in May 2017 by a joint initiative of the consortia of the EU projects CAPTure, MinWaterCSP, MOSAIC and WASCOP and which now gathers far more H2020 CSP projects.
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